I’m Hector Arzeno and I am running for re-election as your State Representative for the 151st District on November 5th, 2024. Greenwich residents deserve a transparent leader in Hartford dedicated to working on solutions for all of us.

“Service is best demonstrated by action and involvement.”
I’m Hector Arzeno and I am running for re-election as your State Representative for the 151st District on November 5th, 2024. Greenwich residents deserve a transparent leader in Hartford dedicated to working on solutions for all of us.
Throughout my 40 year career, I acquired the many skills I utilize in my public service roles today. These include conflict resolution, a disciplined work ethic, a tireless devotion to achieving goals, and bringing plans to fruition.
In 1986, I was introduced to Greenwich and felt connected to the Town immediately. This is the town where I raised and educated my four children, both in the private and public schools.
I have served as a coach for the Greenwich Youth Soccer League, a volunteered for the Parent Board of Bucknell University, a member of the Sustainability Committee at GCDS, a Greenwich High School Tour Guide and Science Department helper, and a volunteer for the Greenwich Town Conservation Department.
I was born and raised in Buenos Aires, Argentina. I graduated from the Catholic University of Argentina with a degree in Business Administration and attended the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School of Business where I completed an Advanced Management Degree. In 1974, I returned to the US for a training program with Morgan Guaranty Trust (today JP Morgan Chase), and in 1987, I proudly became a US Citizen. I actively participated in forming an Inter-American Financial Institution with the IIC (Inter American Investment Corporation).
In November 2019, I was elected to the Representative Town Meeting (RTM) in District 8, I serve as a delegate on the Finance Committee, and an alternate on the Claims Committee.
Central Middle School’s temporary closure in February of 2022 and again in April of 2024 was shocking and brought local attention to the immediate need to replace the school. The Greenwich State Representatives went into action to secure a State grant reimbursement rate of 20% for Central Middle School, which will result in over twenty million dollars in grant funding. My experience on the Education Committee, which works with all matters relating to the Department of Education and school building projects, enhanced our advocacy for this vital project in the heart of Cos Cob. Fortunately, the Town was able to reopen the school safely with temporary measures but securing State grant funding was critical to the financial planning for all our school projects, including Old Greenwich Elementary and Julian Curtis.
Buildings aren’t enough for learning because when children are hungry they can’t focus, that’s why I also sponsored HB 5008, an act that provides funds to reimburse the school food authorities for the difference between the federal reimbursement rate for reduced-price and fully-paid school breakfast and lunch program meals. Taking action to support local communities so they can focus student success.
The deadly tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary forever changed us in Connecticut. Our General Assembly passed a major gun control bill, with broad bipartisan support. And yet, once again, we must ask, what can we do as a society to prevent this from happening again? I say that we are not doing enough. I pledged to support legislation that expands our state ban on the use of assault style weapons, strengthens background checks and extreme risk "red flag" protection orders, and enables law enforcement to limit the availability of weapons used in hateful acts of domestic terror. I sponsored HB 5448 An Act Concerning Security of Certain Election Workers which established a criminal prohibition on the possession of a firearm or deadly weapon within one thousand feet of certain election-related locations and threatening or harassing conduct toward election workers performing election-related duties. I remain committed to de-escalating the rhetoric of hate that so often ends in violence today, whether self-directed or hurled at others. Connecticut cannot do this alone. My vote for HB 5467 An Act Concerning Firearm Background Checks, which had bi-partisan support, is important to the continual need to coordinate State actions and agency with federal law enforcement agencies, because the gun trade does not respect state lines.
I am opposed to the oversized developments proposed for our area. Instead, I believe that sustainable, equitable housing can be developed with Town-controlled tools such as the Affordable Housing Trust, which I fully supported the formation of while on the RTM and strengthening the Town partnership with Greenwich Communities. Greenwich is facing enormous pressure from outdated and inflexible State Statutes (8-30g) that conflict with our environmental efforts to preserve existing housing stock, old growth trees, and open space. As your representative, I continue to advocate for local land use authority guided by Greenwich’s Planning and Zoning Board and our locally approved Plan of Conservation and Development.
I continue to be surprised at local Republicans’ failure to stand up for women’s rights when they voted against HB 5414. Healthcare is an essential right which should be available to everyone. The overturning of the 1973 federal ruling of Roe v. Wade has jeopardized the future of family health, maternal health services, and women’s health autonomy across the nation, and the erosion of these basic human rights means that State legislature protection is no longer theoretical or symbolic. I pledge to protect your right to safe and legal medical care and expand protections to Connecticut residents from out of state legal action against their healthcare choices.
With innovation the need has emerged for responsible regulations and legislation around artificial intelligence poses a serious threat to individual creativity, academic integrity, and factual legitimacy. Misinformation and other harmful content are more likely to spread because of the unregulated usage of artificial intelligence. To properly utilize artificial intelligence, it’s crucial that we introduce the right regulations to use it appropriately.
In my first term I sponsored bills that established requirements concerning the development, deployment and use of certain artificial intelligence systems and established an Artificial Intelligence Advisory Council that would help prohibit the dissemination of certain synthetic, harmful, or misleading images and information. I also sponsored an act prohibiting the distribution of certain deceptive synthetic media within the ninety-day period preceding an election or primary.
Companies today struggle to retain talent. More than ever, the quality of life has become a critical differentiator for employees, and a significant part of that quality is found in the communities in which these companies exist. Let’s give our CT companies a fighting chance to retain talent by giving their employees a community to thrive in. We should utilize public and private partnerships to improve our technology and transportation infrastructures, revitalize and modernize our cities to attract a younger workforce, and work to increase innovative and socially responsible industries. By expanding on these goals, we’re not only attracting young people to grow with us, but grow with our economy. Capitalizing state assets, especially via long term leases will not only pay off the encumbrances weighing on our state and on these assets, but also enable us to rethink other options for the future. Currently, the House has formed a bipartisan committee to investigate this. If we utilize our capital assets for capital projects, especially those which could stimulate business growth, we not only eliminate debt, but stimulate long-term prosperity for our residents and our state. Debt contributes to mental health stress, inhibits innovative growth, and forces our younger families to put dreams on hold. Let’s incentivize our future thinkers to stay and return to Connecticut!
I believe small businesses are the keystone to our success, and we must ensure these businesses thrive with unbridled support from our legislature. We must make small businesses easier to operate and form by reducing cumbersome filing fees, and using technology as a resource for business management, grant opportunities, navigating taxes, employment strategies, and liquidity and capital management. The key to business growth is supporting new industries while maintaining our main sources of GDP.
Shared Risk and other hybridized pension models ensure security and certainty. We must partner with our state workers and our treasury to stabilize funding for SERS and TRS. Our state workers unions made substantial concessions, but we must look to the long-term effect of our outstanding liabilities on both workers and our state economy. We must reform SERS and TRS to ensure our state workers’ base benefits, while guaranteeing ancillary benefits based on market performance. In doing so, the state and its workers share the risk. In doing so, we can promise workers receive the pensions they are promised while reducing our state liability.
I believe conservation should appeal to both sides of the aisle. Who wants to live in a Town with poor water, concrete landscapes, and no parks? Democrats have long championed conservation, but I believe all voters find value in taking care of the community we live in every day! As a volunteer for the Greenwich Town Conservation Department at the Mianus River fish ladder, the safety and sustainability of our environment is paramount. In my first term I sponsored acts for the diversion of food scraps from the solid waste stream and for the development of buffers and setbacks from waterways and wetlands. Conservation is my passion and a cornerstone of Greenwich’s values from the town composting program to our beach cleanup days at Greenwich Point. We must continue to court clean energy industries, continue to institute state-wide policies to ensure minimal waste, clean air, and safe shorelines and water. We cannot afford to introduce industries which compromise our environment now and for generations to come. Accordingly, I support creating tax incentives for clean energy industries and have avidly supported legislation which protects our environment.
Will you volunteer to help Elect Hector as our State Representative for the 151st District in Greenwich?